TC Global Events


CV Workshop with Professor Mark Lee from The University of Birmingham and TC Global

CV Workshop with Professor Mark Lee from The University of Birmingham and TC Global

Students exploring international education often seek opportunities to enhance their industry exposure through internships and work placements. The global job market presents immense opportunities for skilled professionals to advance their careers overseas. However, navigating this competitive landscape requires a well-structured, professional, and market-specific CV.

Crafting tailored CVs that meet the expectations of international employers can be challenging. This workshop is designed to bridge that gap by equipping participants with:
Insights into country-specific CV formats.
Guidance on effectively showcasing their skills and achievements.
Techniques to craft compelling CVs that unlock global career opportunities.
Adding depth to this workshop, Professor Mark Lee, a distinguished professor of Artificial Intelligence in the School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham, will bring his expertise. With a research focus on Natural Language Processing (NLP), particularly sentiment analysis, Professor Lee’s work has received support from prominent organisations such as the Home Office, RCUK, the European Union, and industry leaders.

The University of Birmingham, a prestigious public research institution, consistently ranks among the world’s top 100 universities. Recognised as the most targeted university by top employers in the UK (High-Fliers Research 2024), it has been inspiring and nurturing great minds since its establishment in 1900.

Join us for this insightful session to gain the tools, strategies, and inspiration necessary to elevate your profile and seize global career opportunities!

Time: 04:00 PM To 05:00PM
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